Children under the age of 18 who have experienced sexual abuse may be referred to the Center for therapy.
Short-term therapy services are offered on a weekly basis to address the trauma related to the sexual abuse. Ongoing therapy and services can be coordinated with external providers as needed.
The goal of therapy is to provide an affirming and safe space for families to engage in their healing journeys through client-centered, individualized treatment.
The following types of therapy are offered; TF-CBT, EMDR, Play Therapy.
Advocacy & Support
Someone with you every step of the way.
How well a child copes following a disclosure of sexual abuse has a lot to do with the support of those around them.
The Center’s Advocates can connect families with clinical services at the Center, provide assistance in accessing needed information, provide court education and courthouse/courtroom tours, schedule medical exams, and inform families about services outside the Center. Advocates support children and their non-offending family members at all stages of involvement with the Center throughout the healing and justice processes.
Getting medical attention.
An advocate can help you obtain a non-invasive medical exam for your child. We partner with the YWCA to conduct these exams, which consist of a basic well-child exam with the addition of a specialized, non-invasive sexual abuse exam.
The evaluation also provides children and caregivers an opportunity to ask questions. Children often need reassurance that their body is okay after sexual abuse has occurred.
For more information, please contact