At the Children’s Advocacy Center of Kent County, we are dedicated to creating a supportive environment through our mission of creating safe, trauma-informed support while seeking justice for child victims of sexual assault.
Employment Opportunities
Please send a cover letter and resume to Leah Ortiz. No phone calls, please.
At this time, the Center is not taking on any interns through December 2025
An internship at the Children’s Advocacy Center provides a unique opportunity to learn the workings of the child welfare and criminal justice system and to better understand the dynamics of child sexual abuse. We offer two levels of internship:
Bachelor’s Level Internships
Available for individuals completing various programs including but not limited to Social Work, Child and Family Development, Criminal Justice, and Business Administration. Applicants must have enthusiasm, a willingness to take initiative, and the ability to adapt to various situations and locations within the office and out in the community. Requires proficiency in Google Workspace. All internships must be for credit and part of a class that you are currently enrolled in through a college or university.
Master’s Level Internships
Available for individuals completing a graduate program in Counseling or Social Work. Individuals who are able to complete their internship over two academic semesters are preferred. We are not currently equipped to take on Counseling Practicum students at this time and require that all interested applicants are at the Internship component of their respective graduate programs.
For more information, please email The subject line must consist of whether you are seeking a BSW or an MSW.